Hi—I wanted to post an update earlier but holidays slowed things down. We’re in the thick of measuring out and laying down the foundation— the final hardware designs that will get produced. This is some of our most critical work, as it will be costly to unwind. It’s a fiendishly complicated multi-dimensional puzzle to balance… Continue reading Pouring concrete
Author: John Kestner
Thank you. Now back to work.
To the earliest Twine backers in 2011, those of you who just discovered us and everyone in between, thank you for funding Pickup. This relationship we have on Kickstarter is special—there aren’t a lot of arenas where you can talk directly to the product makers, and where customers are willing to put down money for… Continue reading Thank you. Now back to work.
That’s a zoo, not an ecosystem.
While hobbyist IoT got nerdier, consumer IoT picked narrow lanes like thermostat or light bulb and worked on experience. Unfortunately that lasted only until growth proved shallow and users had to be squeezed for more money. And now “Internet of Things” is a poisoned brand.
Rewild physical computing.
IoT used to be cool. Them were heady days, when it felt like the physical world could be reduced to just another API target. Twine raised a large amount based on that excitement.
Monitor air quality where you need it.
Air! Filled with all sorts of little bits of matter, some of which are good for us, and some of which are (increasingly) not. CO2, smoke, allergens, vapors from off-gassing building materials. But we can’t see how much of those are in the air, and so the actions we take to breathe better air are… Continue reading Monitor air quality where you need it.
Pickup has an app.
Pickup may be nice to look at—who doesn’t like a cheddar wedge?—but it’s not something you’d usually interact with, by design. But the companion app is, so a here’s a preview of how it works. It’s a web app that runs on Android, iOS and desktop. The Monitor screen will by default show you all… Continue reading Pickup has an app.
Sensor power tools.
Supermechanical began in 2011 from our work at the MIT Media Lab with fun and humane physical interfaces, manifesting in Twine, arguably the first consumer IoT device—or at least the first general-purpose one, boxing up WiFi, batteries, plug-in sensors, rules-based programming and a cloud. Twine contained the seed of a good idea, that the world… Continue reading Sensor power tools.